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Personal Tax Changes 2011/12

Newsletter issue - December 2010.

Personal Allowances

The tax-free personal tax allowances for 2011/12 have not been announced but we do know that the tax free allowance for those aged under 65 will be at least £7,475, although the increase of £1,000 from the present limit will only benefit basic rate taxpayers.

Child and Working Tax Credits

Working and Child Tax Credits are to be withdrawn at the rate of 41% from families with total income of £40,000 or more from 6 April 2011. Families with income of over £40,000 may no longer be eligible for the family element of £545 per year. The baby addition to the family element (also £545) will be withdrawn completely at the same time.

The change in income that can be disregarded for a tax credit claim will be reduced from £25,000 to £10,000 with effect from 6 April 2011.


From 6 April 2011 the state pension will be increased by the greater of: the annual increase in earnings or prices, or 2.5%.

The standard minimum income guarantee given under the Pension Credit will be increased by the same cash amount as the state pension.

From 2011/12 a member of a pension scheme can contribute up to £50,000 per year into registered pension funds, and receive full tax relief on those contributions. This £50,000 cap includes employer contributions and the deemed increase in value of defined benefit pension schemes. If contributions of less than £50,000 have been made for three immediate preceding tax years when the individual was a member of a pension scheme, the unused cap for each tax year can be carried forward up to three years.


The overall tax-free ISA limit for 2011/12 will be £10,680, of which £5,340 can be saved in a cash form such as a bank savings account.

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