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July Key tax dates

Newsletter issue - July 2022

5 - PAYE Settlement Agreements for 2021/22 must be agreed with HMRC.

Letting agents acting for non-resident landlords must make a return of the rents paid to landlords and tax deducted in 2021/22 (form NRLY). If no letting agent is acting the tenant must make the return.

6 - Employers to submit forms P11D and returns of Class 1A NICs (forms P11D(b)) to HMRC for 2021/22.

Employers must supply relevant employees with P11D information for 2021/22.

Annual returns for reporting events relating to all employee share schemes in 2021/22 must be submitted through ERS.

Employee share schemes put in place in 2021/22 must be registered.

File report of termination payments and benefits where non-cash benefits are included in the package, where the total value of the settlement is £30,000 or more.

Where a close company has provided beneficial loans to a director, it must elect by this date for all loans to be treated as a single loan to calculate benefits in kind.

7 - Return must be made of non-cash benefits provided in 2021/22 to retired employees under the employer-financed retirement benefits scheme.

19 - Employer non-electronic payments of Class 1A NICs for 2021/22 on benefits returned on a declaration of expenses and benefits (form P11D(b)) must reach HMRC. The due date is 22 July for payments made by an approved electronic payment method.

31 - Second payment on account of self-assessed income tax and Class 4 NIC for 2021/22 due.

Tax credit claims for 2021/22 must be confirmed and renewed for 2022/23 if required.

Deadline to pay any self-assessment tax owing for 2020/21 before a second automatic penalty is charged.

Where a pension scheme annual allowance charge of over £2,000 is due for 2021/22 the pension scheme member must inform the scheme administrator if they want to scheme to pay that charge from their pension benefits.

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